Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year! May your 2015 be a happy, healthy, and productive year!

In 2015, I really feel the need to come up with some personal goals. I thrive on structure, planning, lists, and organization and when my world is completely unorganized, I feel all out of whack. So here is my first “list” for 2015.

In 2015 I resolve to…

  1. Lose Weight: More specifically, I’d like to get down to my pre-baby weight. I don’t know that I will be able to do that in one year, but I’d like to try. Any significant loss will indicate a good start back into healthy habits, so I’d be happy with that. It’s really about getting back into my healthy habits that’s the most important and the number on the scale will follow after.
  2. Exercise Regularly: Any kind of activity—regularly. I want to exercise most days of the week, so at the very minimum that would be 4 days per week—even if it’s just for 10 minutes. As I mentioned before, it’s just about getting back into healthy habits.
  3. Be Present: I want to learn to set down my phone more often and enjoy the people I’m with. I think our generation will deeply regret how we prioritize “connectedness” while we lose connection with those who are present and with us.
  4. A Single Step: towards my goal to become a professional writer. I honestly have no idea what this will be right now. But I will research and come up with a plan, whether it’s sharing my work or even just taking the time to sit down and write about things that I don’t plan to share with anyone at that moment.
  5. Make a New Friend(s): I am terrible at making friends. I am an introvert and always have been. It takes me a while to come out of my shell, but once I have——I’m fairly sociable. lol. But I need mommy friends. I need to be able to talk about my experiences as a mother to people who are experiencing the same things I am.
  6. Budget: Pretty self explanatory.
  7. Purge: It’s time to get rid of “stuff”. I want to go through each and every room in our home and get rid of things we don’t need and don’t use. I will sell items, donate them to Goodwill, or find someone else who could use them.
  8. Blog More: About anything and everything. And to help me with that, I’m going to reveal my new healthy eating plan instead of waiting until I lose 10 lbs. I’ve been following it long enough to know that it works, that it’s not a fad, and I’d like to share it with you.
  9. Read More: Wouldn’t it be great if I could read even just one book per month? I think if I set my phone down more often that I could accomplish this. Currently, I’m trying to read a book about infant nutrition. I’ll work on finishing that by the end of January. If anyone has any suggestions on books to read—hit up the comments!
  10. A Better Me: I feel like each and every goal I have mentioned so far will make me a better person. But I want to practice focusing on the positive both with myself and with others. I want to be thankful and reap the benefits of having a thankful heart. I want to find a greater joy and let it exude from me. I want to be a better wife, a happier wife, the type of wife that is an ornament to her husband. I want to be a patient mother and my child’s best friend. I want to listen better. I would say talk less, but I often don’t talk enough (hence the having no friends thing)—I want to start conversations. I want to smile more. I want to do good when no one is watching. I want to “be the change [I] want to see in the world”.

While I am considering these New Year Resolutions, they’re things that I want to continue well beyond December 31st. The beginning of a new year brings hope. It’s a time when you can wipe your slate clean and try again. Here’s to 2015!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Reflecting on 2014

2014 was a life changing kind of year. It was one of those years that I’ll never forget and will always hold close to my heart. It was a year where life was lived and time was cherished but some of my personal goals fell to the way-side (which is understandable).

The entire year can be summed up in one picture.

chair pic edited

This little girl has been the entire focus of the year. Honestly, I can’t believe 8 months have passed since she was born! From January until May, we focused on preparing for her arrival…

…and from May through December we have been busy getting to know her as she quickly changed from a tiny, precious little bundle to a silly, happy little climber (and even more precious).

But really, I don’t even know where the time went. It seems like yesterday we were preparing, she was born, and now here we are at the end of the year. I believe I blinked.

We became this in 2014:

In 2014, I also quit my job to become a stay at home mom. Sometimes I miss the mental stimulation and working towards a goal, but I don’t have a single regret about quitting. And I can find ways to accomplish these things in 2015 while simultaneously being a stay at home mom.

On that same “career” topic, I have gotten to take photos for a little extra money here and there. I am excited to see my photos in a tourism brochure. But my true passion is writing—and as you know, I haven’t been a faithful blogger! I have felt inspiration to write this past year, but haven’t taken the time to sit down and do it—but I just now feel like things are starting to become routine and in 2015, maybe I will find more time to do the things that I love to do.

In February, my sister and I (both of us pregnant) went on a trip to Arizona and had an awesome time.

We took a few trips as a family of three this year. We went camping a few times in our new camper, and took a weekend trip for a little shopping and swimming. But life moved fast! Maybe even too fast.

As I mentioned at the beginning, my personal goals sort of fell away. I am back at the beginning for weight loss. I have not been exercising. And I just don’t feel good about myself in general. I don’t ever feel pretty or feel like I look nice anymore. My nice clothes don’t fit. And it just wasn’t a good year for the body—although I am thankful for all that my body has been capable of and am in awe of that. I need to do a better job of taking care of it in 2015.

So that was my year! How was your 2014?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

SOL Republic Wireless Speaker Winner


Congratulations to Tina R.—you are the winner! I’ve contacted you via email.


I hope everyone has a happy holiday season! Thanks for entering.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Holiday Gift Guide *Giveaway*

This year, I don’t feel like I need much of anything. Everyone loves to receive a gift though, so I wouldn’t say no to a few small items. Here’s a little inspiration for you as you shop for friends who might be a little like me—a new mom in her 20s.

  1. I am in love with coffee mugs lately. Big coffee mugs that are short enough to fit in my Keurig mini. Like this Jumbo Mug from Crate & Barrel.

Jumbo Mug

  1. Honestly, maybe I should have started with coffee. It’s a warm, bright spot in my day. It’s a tiny bit of me-time heaven in a cup for this new mama. And I’m in love with Door County Coffee! A monthly flavor fanatic coffee subscription from Door County Coffee. I would die. I take it back, I should have put this one as first! (even though this list is in no specific order)

  1. SOL Republic’s PUNK wireless speaker. You guys, this is awesome. SOL Republic sent me one of these to try out and I use it ALL.THE.TIME. When the baby girl gets fussy, I turn on Amazon Prime piano music and baby calms right down. I use it in the kitchen when I’m cooking and currently I’m playing Christmas music. It’s a tiny little miracle with big sound. You could seriously stick it in your coat pocket when you’re out for a run. It’s portable and uses Bluetooth. It comes in a variety of colors. You must get one for yourself, for your friends, for your friend’s cousins, and everyone you know. Or try to win one here. See below.

  1. A warm bubble bath, music playing on my SOL Republic PUNK wireless speaker, and maybe sipping on a cup of joe in my new glass mug. Ahhhh. But really, just a warm bubble bath in solitude. I would enjoy that. The solitude would be hard to come by, but a little Warm Vanilla Sugar bubble bath from Bath & Body Works wouldn’t be too hard to acquire.

Warm Vanilla Sugar Luxury Bubble Bath - Signature Collection - Bath & Body Works

  1. I wouldn’t mind listening to some music other than baby’s music once in a while. I’d love Kenny Chesney’s new album, The Big Revival.

The Big Revival

  1. This seems weird to request this (wow I’m getting old and boring)—but I really need some new mixing bowls. I want glass ones with lids. Maybe Pyrex? I have been researching but haven’t quite decided on exactly what I want—I just know I want glass bowls with lids. Recommendations gladly accepted!

  1. I really need to figure out a workout schedule and I think that doing some workouts with baby would be fun! Something like this Mom and Baby Fitness: Yoga, Pilates, and Baby Massage DVD.

  1. A vacation. I’m really dreaming here—but wouldn’t it be awesome to go somewhere tropical? Like Atlantis. I’d settle for Florida. Or a few tanning minutes. lol

  1. A really good book. Not the page a minute kind. The kind so beautifully written that you savor every word. The kind you reread because it was so inspiring and thought provoking. And this would have to be a surprise…but believe me, this English major would be excited to receive any book.
  2. And another thing I’d love is a good night’s sleep with no interruption. I assume I’ll receive that in about 18 years. Until then…!

What’s on your holiday gift list this year?


And now about the giveaway…enter via Rafflecopter below. Giveaway will be open until EOD 12/23 so one of you can find out you’ve won just in time for the holiday!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Finishing 2014 Strong 5K

For some of us, this 5K will be a make up for not getting around to completing the #THB5K 2014. For others, this will be a second 5K to finish out 2014 even stronger.

One lucky winner (randomly selected) will receive a $5 Starbucks e-gift card from me.


  1. Complete a 5K between now and 12/31/2014
  2. Take a selfie proving your participation
  3. Email your selfie to with Finishing 2014 Strong 5K as your subject. Include your name in the email as it matches with your Rafflecopter entry (see step 4)
  4. Complete Rafflecopter entry. You must do this to be entered to win. All steps must be completed by EOD 12/31/2014

Those of you who completed the #THB5K will receive an extra entry. You can also add an extra entry per day by sharing this post. See Rafflecopter. These will be verified.

Good luck!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I have a confession to make…

I never got around to completing the #THB5K! STILL HAVEN’T! (Anyone who wants to say “well, you should have planned better” can get off your high horse and acknowledge that life happens!)

And I know I’m not the only one. Do you know how many of you could have won the $50 Amazon gift card but didn’t because you never completed the 5K? I had to keep picking new winners!

And this year I understand because I’m living the life of a mom (how those of you with more than one child do it are heros). It can be very hard to juggle life and get in exercise. It can be done, but it can be very difficult sometimes. And I don’t think it’s too big of a deal if we cut ourselves some slack once in a while. Especially on a holiday.

My excuses? As I explained on a previous post, baby was awake every hour in the night and waking up early didn’t happen (I was up at 6 anyways), I prepared my dishes and it was time to leave before I was even showered and dressed myself. Black Friday was busy busy busy. I don’t think I got to sit down and relax. I also felt sick and had a horrible headache. And my brother was visiting for the first time in almost a year. And so I planned for Saturday…and then I felt sick again. And on and on. I have lots of excuses!

But as much as I didn’t want to tell you, and just let it pass on by like nothing was up…I’m too honest for that. lol So there it is. I didn’t even participate in my own 5K. But I still gave away the prizes, so that’s the important part, right? Winking smile

So I’m thinking… how about this year we have a “Oops…I didn’t get the #THB5K completed but I’m making up for it now” 5K? Now I’m not even going to consider making this an annual event. lol…but maybe just for this year.

And I’ll give away a prize or two. Smaller ones.

And all of you super organized and dedicated people out there who finished the #THB5K—you can do it again and earn an extra entry or two just for having finished the original 5K.

Also—I will keep this one open for a while with no specific day to complete it. That way those of us who are struggling right now won’t have any excuses.

Who would be up for this one? Anyone else pretty disappointed in yourself for not fitting the 5K in? Smile

Monday, December 1, 2014

#THB5K Winners

Congratulations to the winners! All winners have been contacted and most have already received their prizes.

$50 Brenda

$25 Target- Jill

$5 Starbucks-







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