Thursday, September 6, 2012

Weigh in Day

I gained 1.7 lbs. this morning. That’s after a week that was way out of the ordinary for me. So it is what it is.

I weighed in at 215.7. I hate seeing numbers that high. I want to get down to 210 again and then I’ll feel a little better. I am confident that I can do that.

As you know, I have been trying to follow the old WW points system. It works when I am able to stick to the plan. Since getting back to normal on Monday, I have lost a little weight every day, back down to where I was this morning. So I am on the right track.

I picked up this cute little notebook at Target yesterday. It was on clearance in the dollar bins! I got it for 50 cents. What a steal!

book 001

It always helps to have something fun like this for tracking. I have really started to go old school since canceling my WW online membership. I am writing my foods down in a notebook and even using my sliding points calculators.

Here’s what I have so far today:

book 002

I accidently cut off my breakfast in the picture, it was Cheerios with milk and blueberries for 3 points.

Here are my goals for the week:

  1. Workout 5 days
  2. Lose at least 1 lb.
  3. Go for at least one run

That’s in addition to the things that I have learned to do daily as habit—like getting in my fruits/veggies, taking a multivitamin and drinking water.

I’m going to make this week a better week! Thankfully, life is back to normal so that shouldn’t be too hard to do!


  1. Yep, sometimes journaling is the only way to stay on track.

    I've had broncitis (sp?!) for a few weeks and I haven't worked out, so I've been eating like shit. I hate when that happens!

  2. Bummer. Good luck this week! It would be nice if the weight would just come off in a consistent amount each week...but, unfortunately it doesn't.

  3. Whenever I get off track, I have this weird thing of having to buy a new journal before I start tracking again! LOL It's funny how it makes it seem better. You may not like this idea, but I wanted a way to still track my liquids, f/v, dairy, etc. each day. At the very top of my tracker (like the wide open space) I have L:////// F/V:///// D:// HO:// and V:// When I complete one of those, I put a slash the opposite direction to make it an "x" for being checked off. It's fun to check off the boxes! Silly, I know. LOL Anyway, just an idea I'm throwing out. Best of luck this week! You can def achieve that 210!

  4. At least you're on top of it and that is what counts. Plus sometimes that is really water weight. I do love the cute notebook. Those dollar bins at Target always call to me!

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  6. I definitely think people believe in you! It's just the ebb & flow of blogger. You change your exercise interests, you don't log in for a week see 600 blogs in your reader and never catch up and sadly a lot of people just quit blogging. You can do this by 30.

  7. I always find a new notebook motivating!
    I really hate the scale when it goes up for no reason whatsoever :(
    I have no doubt you're going to be down the next time you weigh in.

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