Monday, September 17, 2012

A Good Day after a Not So Good Weekend *Picture Post*

I haven’t been eating the best since last Thursday. After that gain, I was so frustrated after my hard work didn’t pay off that I quit counting my points. That was a huge mistake. One thing lead to another and this morning I got on the scale to see the highest weight I’ve seen in a LONG time.

I did finally find out that last week’s gain was due to PMS and now I have TOM. So that could explain the cravings for sweets, etc. And I know that could contribute to water retention too.

I could barely take my ring off this morning!

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I am constantly reminded that if I don’t get it together SOON, I’m going to be back up to 288 in no time. It’s so hard to lose the weight and SO easy to put it on.

So I am taking desperate measures and decided to start documenting my food in photos again for a while, as my time permits.

For breakfast, I ate oatmeal with fresh strawberries and about 6 cups of water.

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Drinking water always makes me feel better. And by about 8 a.m. my ring fit correctly again. Yay!

I started work for job #1 at 6 a.m. It was hard to get moving this Monday morning!

I sipped on coffee with pumpkin spice creamer.

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Aldi has this stuff in the store again! Love it.

On my break, I ate a banana.

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And light string cheese.

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My cats have this thing where they like to lay on the top step outside the kitchen door. It’s dangerous…someone is going to trip over them one of these days…but they always look so cute. Smile

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Today was a busy day at work and I was glad when it was finally over. I started to feel like I’m coming down with something Saturday night…still feel like that today. I just got over being sick, so I’m hoping it goes away fast!

For lunch, I ate Light Progresso Chicken Pot Pie soup:

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I used my new Progresso mug that they sent me. Stay tuned for a giveaway coming up!

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I also had leftover salad topped with light ranch.

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I finished it up with a Fiber One brownie.

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I always read a book while I’m eating lunch. It’s the one time out of the day where I can sit there and focus on it. I am always picking up used books to read. I love finding little notes inside of them, like this one:

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I always wonder what the story behind it is. They’re like little treasures tucked away in the books!

After lunch, I worked on job #2, finishing up my work for last week. Once that was done, I decided to wait on this week’s work until tomorrow.

I spent some time trying to catch up on blogs. I am a little behind, but catching up quickly. I thought I would head outside for a run, but it wasn’t long and I heard rain drops falling outside. I’m not one for intentionally running in the rain!

So I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher and did laundry. I also thoroughly cleaned the kitchen. I’ve been trying very hard to keep up with household tasks. It’s so easy to get behind and then have to spend a lot of time cleaning on the weekends. I’ve been keeping it up for a few weeks now—so far so good! It’s nice to have a clean and tidy home. One of these days I need to tackle my office…which is a different story! Confused smile

And then I had WAY too much fun looking at styles and writing a post on fashion week…in my own style!

And then I was starving. I was going to eat a snack, but decided to check what time hubby would be home and he was already on the way! I love it when I don’t have to use points on a snack!

So then it was time to get supper together. I loaded up on this when I saw it at Aldi this weekend.

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It can be so hard to find sometimes!

I whipped up some pumpkin mousse. I had it on my mind after seeing all of the recent hits for the recipe on here!

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I think I use my iPad more in the kitchen than anywhere else. It’s so much easier than cookbooks or printing recipes!

For supper, I served teriyaki and swiss chicken wraps with tomato and avocado on a high fiber tortilla. We also had a side of steamed green beans.

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This is one of hubby’s favorite meals and so easy!

And then we finished it up with the pumpkin mousse.

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I really feel like I am coming down with something, so we are going to wait on the running. We’re going on a walk instead. It’s better than nothing!

I have 5 points left for the day, so it was a good day. It feels good to have accomplished that.

In case you missed my posts on being part of the Daily Health Buzz top 9 and Fashion Week, be sure to check them out!


  1. It is very frustrating how easily the weight can come on and how long it can take to come back off again.

    My cat loves the stairs, too. I actually have to carry her downstairs or she will zoom down diagonally right on the step in front of me. Not good in the morning when I am sleepy!

  2. Looks like you had a great day!

    If I had to guess how I'm going to leave this world, it would be by tripping on one of my two little doggies.

  3. Yay!1 I love your food pics!! Seriously, I do. :) But thanks for the pumpkin creamer/cans at Aldi heads up! I will have to go check them out STAT! You can do it again girl just get back on track and decide you want it and you are WORTH it!!!

  4. Love pumpkin too!

    I seriously hope you don't get sick again. I am into week 2 of cough and misery. No bueno my friend!

  5. Sorry for the high number. I feel like I have been losing the same 5 to 7 lbs repeatedly forEVER now. Blah. LOL And I despise what TOM does to me. So cruel. Hope you feel better soon and don't catch a cold. Kiwi have more vitamin c than an orange, so pick some up if you like them!

  6. I don't often leave a comment but always read as I respect we are each on a different journey. I have looked at your meals and want to suggest adding protein to every meal. I would add a Tsp of good quality protein powder to my oats in the morning ( be aware of brands that have aspartame in them ) and add chicken or Turkey strips to your salad....protein keeps you full....even boiled eggs to salad or tin tuna will help. Try starting your day with warm lemon water, a good cleanser to start your day. Cooled but warm Green tea 3x a day, can have fruit flavor as plain is hard to get used to. Try move your cakes, puddings to treat days. Look at the amount of sugar in foods....I have a group of women who belong to my healthy living website and all I told her to do was look at her sugars...aiming at 30g a day and not eating anything higher than 6g per 100g's. She started at 90 kg and now weighs 63kg's....she can only walk 2 or 3 x a week and has lost this weight since June. Sugar is our problem it hides every where. Do yourself a favor and take a look at this and try add to your system. Sorry for the book ;) but know its possible to lose weight when one has all the tools.

  7. The pumpkin mousse looks delicious :) I love pumpkin! Make it a great week :)

  8. Oh Alissa, your kitties are SOOOO adorable!!! I hope we see more of them soon. AWWW. VERY much hoping that you don't come down with a nasty cold. Stay well! Hugs.



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