Tuesday, September 18, 2012

More pictures of my eats and fall decor

Well yesterday was a success because I lost 2.1 lbs. this morning. I still have about 4 more lbs. to lose before I’m back at last week’s weigh in. Weigh in day is on Thursday. The goal is to at least stay the same this week…I’m hoping I can do that.

I have to keep reminding myself to just look ahead and not back. I keep getting discouraged when I think about where I was!! I need to celebrate EACH loss, even if I’m not where I was a few months ago.

For breakfast this morning, I knew I wanted to try out some of this:

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Yep, another Aldi find! I just realized how much I stocked up on pumpkin products on the last grocery trip. You’d think I like pumpkin or something.

I ate a little bit of that on a mini whole wheat bagel along with an egg, strawberries and skim milk.

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OMW. It was fabulous. Even hubby liked it!

Work for Job #1 was another tough day. Ugh. But I drank coffee with Almond Joy creamer to help me through it.

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On my break, I ate a banana.

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After job #1 was done, I headed over to take some photos for job #2. I was amazed at how pretty the sky was today.

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And then I came home for lunch. I ate tuna/Miracle Whip on a sandwich thin with tomato and lettuce. I also had a side of baby carrots.

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I had just a little bit of leftover tomato soup, made with water.

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And to finish it up, I had a Fiber One brownie. I enjoy these and they are low in calories/points. They make me feel like I’m not depriving myself in any way.

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And then I got to work again on job #2. I got quite a bit of work done.

I was feeling pretty miserable because I have, indeed, come down with a cold or something of the sort. Yay for me. 2nd one in a month. So I boiled some hot water for tea.

While that was heating up, it gave me just enough time to do dishes…the never ending task.

And then I sat down to relax and enjoy a cup of Trader Joe’s Duchess Grey tea. I found a box hiding in my cupboard and if you have been reading this blog for some time, you know that this is my favorite tea!

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I got caught up on blogs and felt rested again. But then I was HUNGRY. I snacked on a serving of reduced fat Triscuits (generic, of course). These are delicious and made of whole ingredients. I like that.

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And then I got caught up on laundry…well I’m sure tomorrow there will be more to wash!

I am looking forward to finding squash in season again! I loooooooove squash. I got this one all prepped for supper. I love foods I can just stick in the oven with minimal prep and voila, come supper time, we have delicious food!

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And then I got our my fall décor. I don’t have a lot of things, but I have a few.

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I really need to get more. Each year, I try to add more to my seasonal décor as it goes on sale. I still want to get pumpkins and a mum for outside, but I’m not paying $5 for a pumpkin! They’ll have to go on sale soon.

When I am sick, I have such a hard time drinking water. But somehow, I managed to get my water in today. I had 9 cups in by supper time. I still felt thirsty, so I had more with supper.

I ate the squash along with leftover shredded pork, which I added BBQ sauce to, and a side salad made with lettuce, strawberries, blueberries and poppy seed dressing.

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It was a delicious meal. After being gone all of last week, hubby is happy to have home cooked meals again. That makes me feel good. Smile

I was full after supper. I know I’m not feeling well when I don’t even want dessert. I actually have 8 points left.

I have an event that I could cover for job #2 but I am pretty exhausted and not feeling well. I think I’ll just stay home, down some Nyquil, and get to bed super early.


  1. Yummy! I love all things pumpkin! That's my favorite thing about fall. And, that pumpkin cream cheese looks delicious.

  2. Aww I love your wreath!! And I hope you feel better. Girl what else did you find at aldis? LOL I went today to get the creamer you mentioned but they didnt have the canned pumpkin but i did find a pumpkin bread mix!! iam totally going back for the cream cheese! lol

  3. That pumpkin cream cheese looks amazing. One reason I love fall-- all the pumpkin flavored things.

    Also, you have the cutest coffee/tea mugs. Or not mugs but carafes? No, travel mugs? I think that's it. ANYWAYS, they are adorable!

  4. 1. On my way to go get pumpkin cream cheese. I will eat pumpkin anything!

    2. Why in the world did Trader Joe's discontinue Duchess Grey tea? A strongly worded letter is in order!

  5. I just made my first acorn squash ever tonight. I enjoyed it, but not like my beloved butternut! I have ZERO fall decor.. or basically any decor for that matter. LOL This year, though, our Dollar General has seriously some of the cutest cheap fall stuff. So I bought a door plaque and some window clings (for the kids), and maybe I can add a few items here and there. Sorry you're definitely sick.

  6. Pumpkin and cranberry are my two favorite flavors. I like your autumn decorating items. Hope you feel better soon. :)

  7. I wish we could get pumpkin cream cheese here :(
    Hope you're feeling better soon!



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