Wednesday, December 16, 2015

5 Tips for Staying on Track Through the Holidays

Are you staying strong this holiday season and continuing to work towards your health & fitness goals?

There have been plenty of Decembers when I decided I'd just eat whatever I wanted and start fresh in January with my New Year resolution to lose weight and get healthy. But this year I am making an effort to stay on track and I hope that you will join me!

I have teamed up with Christina at Love Yourself Healthy to create a "Healthy for the Holidays" series over the next three weeks. But even better, there will be a giveaway each week! Each week we will be posting on a different topic to help you (and us!) get through the holidays in the healthiest way possible.

Let's be the best versions of ourselves at the beginning of 2016 and start the year off right!

1. Plan Ahead 

"Failing to plan is planning to fail." If you know that you'll be attending a holiday gathering where there will be high calorie (and tempting!) food, you can plan ahead so that you are more likely to make good decisions. Drink a protein shake (or even half of one) before leaving the house-- this will fill you up and you won't be going into the party so hungry you could eat anything in sight. Fill up on baby carrots, an apple, or a salad prior to leaving. Bring sugar-free gum to chew on or mints to suck on to keep you from impulsively taking a bite of that cookie. If it's worth it to you to indulge, fit in a workout before attending the party to help burn the calories and boost your metabolism.

2. Harness the Power of Your Mind

The mind is a powerful tool and if you can harness its power you will be prepared to succeed. It can be helpful to have a mantra to run through your thoughts when you are confronted with foods that aren't going to bring you closer to your goals. Pick a mantra and post it where you will see it often. Put it on your fridge, on your computer monitor at work, or in your car. Repeat it to yourself over and over again. My favorite mantra is, "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels".

3. Be Realistic

We call it the "holidays" as if it's a month long festivity. In reality, there are only a few days that are actually holidays. There is Christmas eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, and New Years Day. That's four days at the most. You will be much better served to treat the other 12 days left of the holiday season as if they were the same as any other day out of the year and make good choices. You'll be much happier with yourself for doing so.

4. Indulge a Little

There are conflicting views about this topic and you have to do what works for you. Some people believe that even a little taste will be enough to spiral out of control. For me, indulging a little helps me feel satisfied and like I'm not missing out. For example, I can eat one cookie and only one cookie. I'll eat it slowly and mindfully, savoring every bite. 

5. Stay Hydrated

There are all kinds of delicious beverages this time of year and most of them are full of calories. Make sure to drink enough water to stay hydrated. You can verify your level of hydration by taking a look at your urine in the toilet- if it's closer to clear then you're hydrated, if it's dark yellow-- you'd better drink some water right now. You wouldn't stop watering your plants because it's the holiday season, right? Your body needs water to function, why would you stop drinking water?

This week, we are challenging you to drink your water! Make it a point to get those eight cups of water in each day-- you will feel so much better for doing so.

You have a chance to win a $25 gift card to Walmart or Target by entering the giveaway via Rafflecopter below! You will need to visit Christina at Love Yourself Healthy and comment on her blog as well as mine. Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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