Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Another good day!!

As expected, I was pretty sore this morning after yesterday’s 1st day of the Best Body Bootcamp. I have the majority of the pain in my thighs, so going down stairs is interesting! But that’s what my body needs.

For breakfast, I scrambled an egg and also ate two Jimmy Dean turkey sausage patties, a banana, and skim milk.

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Coffee with creamer while working job #1.

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I tried to go without a snack but by about 10:30 I was so hungry and getting a headache, so I ate mini Triscuits.

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I got off of work about an hour early, so I decided to take advantage of the extra time and get my Bootcamp workout in for the day.

I started with planks. Those are tough, especially when your body is already sore!

And then I biked for 9.5 miles for the second part of the workout. It took me 40 minutes. I was covered in sweat by the end of the workout, so I’d say mission accomplished!

For lunch, I made a pizza on a Flat Out with tomato, onion, and chicken.

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I also ate a side salad topped with tomato, an egg white, almond slices and light ranch.

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I finished it up with an apple and peanut butter.

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I spent some time trying to figure out how to add a reply feature to the comments section. It may have just been an issue with my comment section coming up in a pop-up, so now it’s embedded. If this is annoying, or if it’s running too slow, please let me know!

I’m hoping this works ok because it would be nice to reply to comments when necessary!

I was soooo tired and had to have my afternoon coffee again. Is this a bad habit to get into? It helps me be more productive!

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I sipped on that and had a nice chat with my mom!

I had a few errands to run, so I had to change out of my comfy yoga pants and slippers. I know, what a disgrace!

The temperature was 75 degrees, I could hardly believe it! I decided this would be my last chance to wear a cute summer outfit. So I put on this cute dress I bought for $7 at Old Navy and paired it with some sandals my sister gave me for my birthday.

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I will be happy when I am looking smaller again. I have to say that I’ve been enjoying covering up my lumpy parts with hoodies and big, bulky fall and winter clothes! Embarrassed smile

That’s just not acceptable! I don’t want to put on any more weight this cold season! But I know we all get a little comfy in our clothes that cover us up a little more in the colder months, don’t we?

I made a bit of a splurge at the grocery store! I saw these mums and they were so beautiful I just had to have one…errr two. But I think they look nice with the pumpkins we picked up last weekend.

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They were $7 each! Whew. But Kind of worth it…eh? I don’t usually make splurges like that… I’m kind of a cheap skate sometimes!

I also picked up a pork roast because there was a coupon on it. I got up to the cash register and the clerk said, “hey I have a different coupon you can have…” and I got the pot roast for 79 cents!!! WOW! I was impressed!

So I went ahead and put that in the crock pot with some veggies.

I had it all planned out. Hubby was going to be home later than usual, so I thought I would surprise him and mow the lawn. It needed to be done one last time for the year. This was my plan to keep myself out of the kitchen!

It took me an hour since there were so many leaves in the yard too! But that is good activity! I was tired by the time I was done!

And then hubby called to say he was going to be even later! Ugh!

So I spent some time catching up on my health and fitness support groups and the time passed pretty quickly.

I decided to take today off from job #2 since I didn’t really have much to do anyways. Plus, I have a busy weekend of work, so I have to take my “me time” throughout the week.

For supper, we had the pork roast, leftover stuffing, green beans, and carrots/celery.

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I added some of this to my pork.

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For dessert, I made cook and serve vanilla pudding.

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And I still have points left! Whoohoo!

Another good day down in the books!


  1. Those mums are BEAUTIFUL! I love the color! Good grief, you may as well have stolen the pot roast! LOL Glad you had another good day. It is sooo hard when your legs hurt like that. Ouch!

  2. PS - Commenting was super easy and only took a sec. I had no delays.

  3. Aww you look so pretty! I love Old navy its like my fave store ever!! Your pizza looked so yummy!! I think I am totally making flat out pizzas next week! I got mums this year too, they were beautiful this year!! You are doing great working out and on plan!! Awesome!!!! :)

  4. Good workout, great food and you look so cute!
    Those mums are beautiful. Now I'm going to have to look for some cute ones for me!

  5. Yea for your good day. I don't worry about an extra cup of coffee unless it is keeping me awake at night.

    The dress is super cute. :)

  6. You look REALLY pretty Alissa. I'm pretty smitten with your Halloween mug. Have a great day.



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