Friday, October 26, 2012

Always count your points before you eat…

Can you believe I actually finished out the day yesterday with points left over? Me neither. But I did.

And this morning, I lost .2…I keep expecting a big drop on the scale but it’s just not happening. So far, I am .1 down since starting over a week ago. Patience…

For breakfast this morning, I ate oatmeal with pomegranate seeds and a glass of skim.

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I love me some oatmeal!

And the day started off as usual with a cup of joe.

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These cups are actually the Dixie disposable ones. I picked them up at Target a couple of weeks ago because the package was on sale for 2.99 and they had a coupon for $1 off. Hey, a little festivity in my life for $1.99. Why not?

On my break, I ate light vanilla yogurt with strawberries and chia seeds.

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When it was the end of my shift, I literally shouted out “Whoohoo! It’s Friiiiday!” while doing a little dance in my chair. And then I felt slightly embarrassed to be talking out loud, all by my lonesome, but also thankful nobody saw me.

For lunch, I made an egg sandwich with a sandwich thin, an egg, ham and cheese.

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I also had a side salad with greens, blue cheese crumbles, sliced almonds, and dressing.

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I finished it up with an apple and peanut butter.

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To keep on track with the Best Body Bootcamp, I decided to do a cardio/plank workout day. My legs were feeling much better, but my knees were still hurting. I decided to go with a workout that would minimize the impact on my knees.

I had to do the modified planks today. Wow—my core is so weak!

In the midst of my planks, Hubby got home early and asked if I wanted to go with him to drop some things off at the county dump and run a few errands. Of course I said yes. More time to spend with my hubby! I finished the plank portion of the workout and got ready to go.

I brought my afternoon coffee with me.

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And snacked on a banana on the ride.

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The dump is so gross. I refuse to get out of the truck. Although I thought this picture turned out kind of cool…

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But I did help him load some tires up on a semi trailer, in a much cleaner part of the dump, of course.

At one of the stores, I took my blood pressure while hubby was standing in line. For once, it was normal! Thanks to a good doctor finally taking the time to get my meds figured out. My pulse is always fairly low. When I’m at home and totally relaxed, it’s often in the 50’s. Is that normal?


When we got home, I was absolutely starving, but I had to get my workout in. I biked 9 miles in 40 minutes. Got my cardio in and I am right on track! I really want to stay on track with these Bootcamp workouts.

Hubby was in charge of supper. I thought the note on my napkin was so sweet.

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Hubby ordered pizza. I ate 3 pieces. This is why I count my points before I eat! I should have stopped at one or two, but I was sooooo hungry. Getting so hungry is dangerous. I wouldn’t have have eaten 3 pieces if I had looked the points up first…but it’s counted and I that will be my “splurge” meal for the week.

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I also had a salad with lettuce, avocado, almonds and light ranch.

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After supper, I had to head over to a Halloween party to take some pictures for job #2. So cute to see all of the little kids dressed up. Smile

It was a COLD night!

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Tomorrow, I will be back at my intervals workouts for sure. It will feel good to start running again. Hopefully my knees are feeling even better by tomorrow.

Have a good weekend!


  1. Well, a loss is at least the direction you are hoping for! As you know, I love pizza. It is such a huge downfall for me. I *think* in the 60s to 80s is a normal pulse. Don't quote me. ;) My pulse is normally in the high-90s up to even 106. It runs fast all the time, always has. Weird!

  2. You know, that's a lot of food for coming under in points. That is awesome! I tend to shy away from salads because of the dressing. I can't find one that is low fat and good.

  3. Ugh I so wish that pizza wasn't as many points as it is!
    You are doing great!

  4. I've been following your blog for quite a while and I love that we both love coffee! A virtual hug to you from Texas and congrats on a successful journey!

  5. oh my goodness. that pizza looks so good. how sweet of hubby!! i love stuff like that hehe



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