Sunday, June 12, 2011

Garden Update

Our garden is coming along quite well! We actually harvested our first strawberries. They were sweet and delicious!

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This year we put up a net so that the animals don’t eat them before we get a chance!

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And the beans are growing more every day:

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The carrots are just starting to come up.

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I think we’re going to have more raspberries than ever this year! We just need to find a way to keep the animals out of those also.

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Blooms on the blackberries. We’ve never harvested them yet, so hopefully we get some this year!

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Spinach—green smoothies coming up!

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We noticed there were a lot of bad seeds in the packets for some reason. We had to plant more lettuce because half of them didn’t grow!

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Green onions:

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And our tomato plant has one tomato!

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It’s hard to believe we started with this:

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Do you plant a garden?


  1. Wow! I'm impressed with your garden :) That's great that you have so many things growing. Maybe one day I'll get me a green thumb.

  2. Beautiful garden, the moment I get a house it's straight to youtube to figure that whole...planting... thing out.

  3. Those strawberries are so cute! I'd love to garden, but we don't own our house and it barely rains and we are in a drought. I'm not sure it's a good idea to plant a garden for us :( I would LOVE to though!

  4. I live in an apartment and used to garden in a community garden on my block. I have since moved and do not get the opportunity in this area of my city :( however, I do put out a couple of pots with herbs to tide me over.

  5. Looks like the garden is doing good. Not to mention how cool that you are growing berries too!

    xo, e

  6. Wow, this makes me want to start a garden! :) I'm very impressed! I love fresh fruit, how cool is it that you can grow your own?!

  7. Your garden is beautiful! I am in the process of moving into a house with land so I am so excited to have a garden soon!

  8. Our garden is pathetic... We have tried for two years, and the ground just has so much clay, it's not really working... We even composted the area over winter to help. We have a few tomatos growing, so I suppose that's a tiny success. No strawberries coming out of my plants, that's for sure! :)

  9. Wow! Love your garden. I wish we had one

  10. Love the garden update!!! You'll get great produce all season long!! Have a good day Alissa!



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