Friday, March 11, 2011

A Fabulous Friday and Comparing Pictures

Happy Friday everyone! Smile

I woke up this morning to the joyous sound of crows outside of my window cawing like there was no tomorrow. That will give you a headache real quickly!Winking smile

Breakfast this morning was a bowl of oatmeal with a banana and a glass of 1% milk on the side for 7 points.

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And I needed a little pick me up again this morning, so I had coffee with 1 Tbs. FF Vanilla creamer for 0 points.

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Ahhh…free coffee again!

Hubby was home from work at 9:00 today! I couldn’t believe it when I saw him pull in the driveway. But his project was done and that’s all they had for the day! Nice! Too bad I had to work!

On my first break, I had a boiled egg on light bread for 3 points.

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I also made hubby and I each a green smoothie. Can you believe that he actually asks me to make these for him now? I can’t hardly believe it myself! Smile I used 1 1/2 large oranges and 1 cup spinach each. 1 point.

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Hubby hand lunch ready for me on my break- which was so nice! I had a salmon burger with light mayo, tomato and lettuce along with green beans for 7 points. These sandwiches are SO good. I need to make them more often!

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For dessert, I had a No Pudge! brownie for 3 points.

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I got off of work right after 1:00- I wasn’t expecting that- but it made me very happy! The sun had finally come out, too! It was 50 degrees and gorgeous outside. So hubby and I headed out for a run. We completed 2.25 miles, 1 mile of straight running and a couple of sprints. 36:28 minutes and 286 calories burned. It was a good workout and so nice to be outside!

See how happy I was? Winking smile Just ignore my crazy hair!

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Looking at this picture really makes me see how my face has gotten smaller! Here’s an example- this photo was from a couple of years ago- I had already lost some weight at this point:

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I really need to find a good “before” picture. I just don’t want to face the emotions I feel when I look at old pictures. I hated myself. It brings back all of those feelings and I just want to cry! Hubby shows me those pictures sometimes because he is so proud of the changes I have made (not because he wants me to cry, I don’t think lol)- I should find a before and after picture of him too! He has lost probably 40 lbs.!

But back to the running, Sometimes I feel like I am running so slow- but hubby has an app on his phone we use and it shows that we ran at about 4.5 mph, which is what I run on the treadmill- I guess it just felt slower outside. I need to bust out of this negativity and start being more positive and giving myself credit instead of dwelling on what I feel like I’m doing wrong or not good enough at.

I felt like I could really relate to the last episode of Biggest Loser when they focused on Kaylee. That’s how I feel a lot of the time. Not good enough. I really liked how Brett Hoebel worked with her and talked with her and I felt like he could have been talking right to me too. I need to work on my self confidence. If I don’t fix what’s wrong on the inside, I cannot begin to conquer the effects that are showing on the outside. I know I have said I need to work on my self confidence so many times- but I need to come up with an action plan.

I try to find acceptance and approval from others- but I don’t need that. I need it only from myself. I can’t wait for and hope that others will tell me self affirming words. I need to believe it myself. I need to look in the mirror and tell myself that I am worth it, I am strong, and I can do anything I set my mind to because all that I have accomplished so far is proof of that. Maybe if I tell myself that often enough, I will start to believe it.

It’s that time of year- muddy! We got a little dirty on the run! Hubby complains about getting his running shoes dirty, but it makes me feel like a hard core runner. lol Winking smile

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I snacked on some baby carrots when we got home for 0 points.

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And I was SO hungry, I had a banana a little later for 0 points.

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For supper, we went to Subway. I had a 6” Oven Roasted Chicken Breast with Baked Sour Cream and Onion Lay’s for 12 points.

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Subway never tasted so good!

For dessert, I had a snack size Oreo McFlurry for 9 points- all weekly points.

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I am not going to eat anything else for the night.

There was a beautiful sunset on the way home- such gorgeous colors! I didn’t take a very good picture though! This doesn’t do it justice.

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Have a great weekend!!


  1. WOW, you can really see the difference in your face!

    And I know what you mean re: before and after photos - I posted some today (though in the pic of me a year ago, I was pregnant as well as being morbidly obese) - quite a difference but I still have a long way to go.

    Don't get down re: the old pics - be PROUD of how far you've come!

  2. You are doing an amazing job!!! Keep it up!!

  3. You look AMAZING! You keep me motivated. :)

  4. what an amazing journey, and so much to be proud of already :) YOU LOOK GREAT! Found your blog, newest happy that I did. I'm addicted to biggest loser and I felt very close to contestants this week too. I struggled with weight most of my life, changed my life, my major and dedicated my career to helping others lose weight, stay healthy and EXERCISE! My hubby lost 100+lbs this past year! I am trying to motivate myself to run further distances and faster pace, but I can't find the motivation. It's like I don't feel as though I can...can't wait to read more on your blog :)

  5. Your meals always look so yummy! :)
    & you should post more pics because I swear this is the 1st time I've seen your face
    I notice the difference too! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!

  6. Good for you! You look lovely!

  7. Sunset pictures never truly capture the beauty!

    Self-esteem is a tricky thing...let me know when and how you find it!

  8. LOVE that sunset picture. I love the comparison picture. You were pretty in the 'before' picture, but look FANTASTIC now!!! Very inspirational! Have a great day.

  9. I'm so jealous of your MUD! We are still under 6ft of snow piles in Canada :(

  10. You look great! I love to see comparison shots :D

    And what is ground anyway? I haven't seen any in months except for the surface of the road LOL!

  11. Your face is beautiful! :) And you can really see the difference. You're much smaller now. And your smile is lovely. I'm glad you can see the difference too. :)
    And I agree with what you said about Kaylee. She's such a trooper! My first vote is for Rulon (obviously!), but she's probably my second!



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