Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Weigh In Day

Weigh in day found me back at 258.8. So I lost the .2 that I gained last week. A little disappointing, but I ended up gaining a few lbs. over the July 4th weekend. It was a loss at least!

I was up at 4:30 again this morning and this time w/ the 30 Day Shred! It was a nice change but still such a hard workout for me! I'm really hoping that I can walk tomorrow! :) One thing about working out in the morning is that when I'm done I really feel the need to stretch, which I hear is really good for you when you work out. I usually tend to skip any stretching, but I fit it in in the mornings because it feels so good and my body feels so loose the rest of the day. I'm really loving this morning workout thing. Who would have thought? It's only 1/2 hour earlier than usual, it gives me more energy, I feel relaxed, and it's quiet and peaceful in the house. It's a good start to the day. I have found that I'm definitely ready to go to sleep at 8:30 at night, terrible, isn't it!? haha. But, that is 8 hours of sleep and seems to be just what my body needs to keep going. I've never been one of those people who can function well on like 5 hours of sleep.

I interviewed for a new position at work today. I am soooo nervous at interviews. I think it went ok, of course I can always think of the right answers after the fact. I'm not going to sweat it if I don't get it, as long as it goes to someone fair. It's only temporary anyways for 60-90 days, I'd have to work 9:30-6:00 instead of 7-3:30, and I'd have to work 1 Saturday a month. So on one hand, I would like the opportunity, and the experience, but I also love my early shifts and all Saturdays off! They aren't sure if they are even going to offer it to someone who has a school schedule anyways, so we'll see! I don't think we'll hear for another couple of weeks. I definitely let my stress wear on me as I went to Arby's for lunch and had a roast beef and cheddar sandwich. No fries, so that's good. Then I went back to work and ate 2 cookies...whew, I really blew it there! But I'm making it my goal this week to track my points, as I tend to say just forget it when I eat something less than stellar!

I'm really hoping that I will start seeing the effects of the morning workouts come weigh in next week! I really need to take measurements too, I'm a little upset that I didn't take them when I started, but I know I have some old measurements somewhere I can look back on.

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