Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's almost Weigh In Day

I am really excited about weigh in day tomorrow! The scale has been showing me lots of love this week, I'm just hoping it stays that way for tomorrow! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

This morning I did another walk/run. I was pretty tired this morning but I know I will always feel great if I just get out of bed and exercise. Besides, it's only 1/2 hour less of sleep and the benefits I am seeing from it are WELL WORTH IT!

I haven't been nearly as thirsty today, so that's a good thing! I was a little worries yesterday. I have had 11 glasses of liquid (one of them was OJ, the rest water) which is a little more on Target for me than yesterdays 17 glasses of water!

One of my coworkers told me that she watches everything I eat and she doesn't think I eat too much. So, that's a good thing! A little something to keep me in line if I know someone is watching everything that I eat! Today I really needed something sweet and so I ate 1/2 of a Hershey's chocolate bar for 2.5 points and gave the other half to my friend because I don't trust myself enough to keep it in my desk yet.

Tonight I'm planning salmon burgers on Arnold sandwich thins and roasted sweet potatoes for supper. Hopefully this won't make me gain weight tomorrow! I'm a little worries about the sweet potatoes though, but they sound so good!

Wish me luck!!!

1 comment :

  1. Good luck! You dinner sounds awesome. Let us know how it turns out!



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