Saturday, August 24, 2013

Weigh in Day

Week one was a success!!

I have to say that I love weighing once per week! I think I let myself get too concerned with the fluctuations when I weigh every day.

This week, I lost 4.8 lbs.! Yippee! I am super happy with that. My hard work paid off.

I had a 7,537 calorie deficit for the week, so some of that weight must have been water weight—but who cares! I know I can probably expect a smaller loss next week.

Hubby lost a good amount too. I actually lost more weight than him this time. Say what?! I’m sure next week he will leave me in the dust.

We met our goals for the week and are going to keep the same ones next week.

It’s so nice to see the scale move in the right direction.


  1. Weighing in once a week is the way to go. That way you can actually see some change. 4.8lbs, that is crazy awesome!

  2. Weighing more than once a week for me is disaster. I force myself away from it every morning. Awesome job!

  3. I'm weighing everyday at the moment, but recording it once a week. I think it's because I get too excited about if I'm losing weight and trying to motivate myself to try harder on days where it may have fluctuated and gone up slightly.

    Well done on your loss this week :)

  4. Congrats Alisa! I am going to try just weighing at my meeting too.

  5. Way to go! What a great loss! Mine was only half a pound this week, but I keep telling myself ever loss counts.

  6. what is it with boys and the way lbs easily fall off them? they're blessed.

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  8. Great job, Alissa. Keep up the great work.

  9. Great job, Alissa. Keep up the great work.

  10. Great first week! Ever onward. :)

  11. Looks like you did amazing Alissa. Well done hunny.




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