Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July 5K 2012

Happy 4th of July!!

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Hubby and I endured the heat this morning and ran our 3rd 4th of July 5k. It was a scorcher today. It was 85 degrees and humid at 8 a.m. when we ran the race. I was able to run 1.5 miles before having to run/walk the rest of the way. And I’m not even disappointed in myself for walking some. I knew I was pushing it too hard in the heat. It ended up being much more enjoyable that way!

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There were a lot of people out with their sprinklers on for the runners to run through—what a lifesaver! I also took all the water I could and dumped it over my head as I ran—I never knew this would cool you down so nicely!! But I ended up finishing the race completely soaked, partly from sweat, but mostly from dumping water over my head.

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We finished in 42:15, which isn’t my slowest, but it’s a few seconds away from my slowest time yet! Totally not disappointed though because I know I gave it my all. It was just too hot for me today! But it was fun, and that’s what’s most important.

The day continued to get hotter and hotter. I saw 100* on the thermometer. My parents and younger brother spent the day with us and we had a lot of fun!

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Here are hubby and I at the parade:

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I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July!!


  1. Congrats on another 5K, and omg I hate running in the heat so kudos to you :) Happy 4th.

  2. AWESOME, GIRL! I wondered about how you were doing ALL day yesterday and hoped you'd be okay in all that heat. It was brutal out there!

    WAY TO GO!!! I'm proud of you!

  3. Way to go, 5k of the 4th... sweet, now do 10k on the 9th?


  4. Well they say to add 1 min to your poace for every 5 degrees over 70! So I always expect to be slower in the heat. Also, look into interval trainning. It is something that has really helped me run and you do it from the begging of the race. I have knocked off 3 min in my 5k run pace in 4 months which doesn't seem like much but it really is. GL and keep running!



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