
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Motivation on the Scale

This morning I stepped on the scale to see the lowest number I have seen yet!! What motivation! I have not seen Onderland yet, but I am OH so close! Sometimes I think that having hungry days, like yesterday, are good indications that you’re about ready to drop some weight—if you can keep eating healthily and don’t throw in the towel and binge because you’re so hungry. Anyone else notice that?

For breakfast this morning, I had a piece of light toast with PB and a sliced banana along with a boiled egg and a glass of milk for 7 points.

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While working on homework, I sipped on coffee with SF Hazelnut creamer for 1 point.

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I had to write a paper this morning and once that was done, I had some time to work out. I did Level 1 of Jillian Michaels’ Yoga Meltdown. It takes 35 minutes and I burned 187 calories. I forgot how great that workout is. My body is shaking by the time I’m done!

For my “brunch”, I made a green smoothie with 1 cup spinach, 1 orange, 1/3 cup light vanilla yogurt, 1 Tbs. milled flax, and 1 packet of Vi-Shape protein powder for 4 points.

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I also made an egg sandwich with a goldfish sandwich thin, egg beaters, 1 slice of Canadian bacon, and 1 wedge of Laughing Cow cheese for 5 points.

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School went quickly today. In my second class we watched a movie and in my third I had a computer lab day. I finally made a little progress on my DreamWeaver project.

While watching the film in my second class, I ate 1/2 oz. of dry roasted peanuts for 2 points.

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On my way home, I ate a WW string cheese for 2 points.

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For supper, I stir fried chicken, mini shrimp, pineapple, and broccoli with a little peanut sate over lentils for 7 points.

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It was a total experiment but turned out SO delicious!! I will be making this again. And BTW, lentils are the PERFECT alternative to rice! It’s only 2 points for 1/2 cup and so delicious.

I have been craving chocolate for days. And when I saw these guys at the grocery store, I decided this would be worth the indulgence today. I had a mini triple chocolate slice of cheesecake for 8 points.

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Totally worth every single point. And no more chocolate craving!

I used 4 weekly points today.

Boy, am I glad tomorrow is FRIDAY!! I cannot wait until 5:30 tomorrow night and the weekend begins again. The weeks are just FLYING by lately! Anyone else think so?


  1. that sandwhich thin is SO cute!!!! That chocolate cake looks delish too, I have been eating the smartones desserts for my chocloate cravings it helps since they are already proportioned out or a vitatop with whip cream have you ever had those? so delish and low in pts+ and lots of fiber good job getting back on track looking forward to your next weigh in! Just keep telling yourself that onederland is right around the corner if you feel temptaion over the weekend!!!!

  2. Your supper looks so good! You've got me interested in lentils.I love the little sandwich cute!

  3. What a great idea, subbing lentils for rice. Your dinner looks creative and delicious!

    Onederland is in sight!!

  4. You go for it!!!

    You are doing well this week, keep it up!!!

  5. Hi Alissa, congrats on the weight in. How cute are those sandwich thins????? I'll answer...REALLY cute! Have a great Friday.

  6. How many points would you consider the yoga meltdown to be?

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