
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Weigh in Day: A Good One

This morning I lost 2.4 lbs.! So good to see a loss. And a pretty good one too! I was a little disappointed because I weighed .8 lbs. less than I did today for 3 days before gaining yesterday. But, it will come off eventually if I stick to the plan. The good news is that I am at my lowest (202) since August! A little bit more weight lost and I’ll be back down to my lowest ever. I can’t wait to see new numbers on the scale and get down to ONEDERLAND!! It’s possible I could get there next week. I want to get there by Thanksgiving at the latest. I’ve lost a total of 86 lbs.

This week, I had 1 weekly point left over and earned 18 AP’s. The way WW online works is you use your AP’s after using your weekly points. So I didn’t use any AP’s. I worked out 5 days this week too.

For breakfast this morning, I had an egg, chicken sausage, 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, a glass of milk and a banana for 8 points.

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We woke up to a light frosting of snow this morning. I was glad it mostly rained because the wind was SO strong. It would have been blizzard like if it had snowed more. But the forecast today didn’t look good:


Is it really that time of year again? I’m not ready!! Needless to say, I was so happy for my stay at home job today!

This is what I saw when I opened the shades:

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And I promptly said, “YUCK!” It was really slushy and icky out there! But it did clear up later in the day and the sun actually came out.

I was happy to have a hot cup of coffee this morning. I added SF Peppermint Mocha creamer for 1 point.

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I was actually hungry on my first break, which was a little amazing considering my breakfast. I ate 1/2 oz. dry roasted peanuts and a new WW cheese stick for 4 points.

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WW sent me a couple of coupons for free cheese as a thank you. What a great company! I really enjoyed the new Jack Cheese. I wish it were only 1 point like the other cheeses though! This one is 2 points.

For lunch, I ate an egg salad sandwich with lettuce for 5 points.

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I also had Progresso Light Savory Vegetable Barley soup for 1 point. It looks like there’s an ice cube in my soup but it’s a reflection of the light! lol

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I was really wanting dessert today. I think it was the cold, snowy weather and I was tired to top it off. So instead, I ate an apple with PB for 3 points.

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I was really hungry by my last break, so I ate popcorn, which always fills me up. 4 points.

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We found out our wash machine has been leaking water and it started to rot out our floor. Ick! We’ve been trying to get a repairman out at no luck, so hubby decided to try to fix it himself! I sure hope it works! He is Mr. Fix it, so I’m confident he will. Smile

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For supper, I made sandwich thin pizzas with Canadian bacon and pineapple for 8 points.

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I also made a side salad with lettuce, alfalfa, tomatoes and carrots topped with Trader Joe’s Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette for 1 point. I’m trying to add more veggies to my salads. It makes them look pretty, too!

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And my dessert of the day was a Fiber One brownie heated in the microwave for 15 seconds. 2 points of heaven. I’ll be sad when these are gone.

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I used 5 weekly points today. I was so hungry for some reason! I felt like I ate a lot of protein—who knows. Some days are just hungrier than others.

I feel like I ate more processed food today. Not really intentionally, just trying to use stuff up.

We are officially over halfway to the weekend! Whoohoo!

Have you signed up for the Thankful Healthy Blogger 5k yet? We have 31 signed up!! 19 more to go to get to 50 and double last year’s participants! Spread the word!



  1. Congratulations on a great loss!! I signed up for your 5k yesterday and blogged about it today! I'm excited to do some on Thanksgiving Day besides eat ha!

  2. WELL DONE. Good to see things going a little better for you again. Keep up the good work.

  3. Congrats on your loss!!!! I was at 203.8 last Saturday and I'm really hoping to be under 200 by January 1st.


  4. Congrats on the loss!

    I will be making some egg salad tommorrow because of you... mmmm

  5. Just found your blog! Love the goal rewards you set for yourself!
