
Friday, November 11, 2011

What a Pain in the Butt!

Finally Friday!!

For breakfast this morning, I had an egg, 2 slices of Canadian Bacon, 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, a banana and a glass of milk for 8 points.

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I’m starting to like this protein for breakfast thing. I think I feel better throughout the day when I eat more protein for breakfast. It definitely takes more effort, but hubby and I are both enjoying the new breakfasts. I just need some more ideas!

I think my scale is memorizing my weight. I’ve been noticing that it will stay the same for DAYS! Hubby doesn’t weigh as frequently as me. So today, I weighed exactly the same as yesterday, so I asked hubby to step on and weigh. And then I stepped on and weighed again and sure enough, a different number. That’s a little ridiculous! I’ll have to have hubby weigh in before me on weigh in days or something!

I sipped on coffee with the last of the SF Peppermint Mocha creamer. I am going to missed that processed food! 1 point.

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I skipped a snack at break because my breakfast kept me full today.

For lunch, I made a salad with lettuce, chicken, tomatoes, alfalfa sprouts, a hard boiled egg, topped with a little light ranch and BBQ sauce for 8 points.

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I was so filled by this salad that I didn’t even want anything sweet for dessert. Shocking! I know! I used a lot more chicken than I normally do, maybe that’s the secret! More protein!

Hubby joined me for lunch since he had to do some work in the area! Yay!

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That was a nice surprise!

On my last break, I ate an apple with PB for 3 points.

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I got off of work a little early today—awesome for a Friday!!

For supper, I made Boca Burgers on sandwich thins with Swiss cheese, light miracle whip, ketchup, lettuce and tomato along with perfect roasted potatoes for a total of 13 points of deliciousness.

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For dessert, I had a Fiber One brownie for 2 points.

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I used 3 weekly points today. Today was a good food day for me. Supper was another attempt to eat up some of those processed foods in the house. This is helping us clean out the freezer for sure!

I had my workout clothes all laid out last night for a run this morning and wouldn’t you know, I woke up this morning with severe butt pain. lol That yoga really killed me yesterday!! So I thought I would workout tonight but I am STILL hurting. It hurts to sit, it especially hurts to move my legs. So I guess today will be my 2nd and last rest day of the week. I will definitely get my 5 days in though! What a pain in the butt! Winking smile

I am SO looking forward to relaxing tonight and the weekend! I am trying to finish all of my homework for next week so that I can focus on projects next week. I have about 130 pages to read and I’ll be done!

Happy Veteran’s day! I always forget it’s a holiday until I go out to get the mail and there’s nothing there. Doh! But I want to offer a sincere Thank You to all of the Veteran’s out there. You are true heroes.

Have a fantastic weekend!!


  1. Protein will definetly keep you a lot fuller then not which is nice!!!! by the way that salad looks amazing!!!! I may have to make me one

  2. Your breakfasts sure look more filling this week! That's awesome. Weird about your scale!!! Too funny about your butt. Haha. You seem to have some new wind in your sails this week. WTG!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Protein is the answer ...there are times I just struggle with scrambled eggs, tomato, mushrooms and spring onions for breakfast...boiled I cope with better as well...and lovely in a salad.
    I read all your blog posts but since I upset u once ( all is forgiven I know ) I struggle and never want to make you feel like that again...
    There are times I read and my heart breaks for you, as I too have been there and know the much work goes into this journey and then the results are not what we want..
    All I can say is ...its worth the are worth the fight....

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Good eats today! I love a big breakfast and one I like a lot is kind of a breakfast stir fry.

    I'll have 3/4 cup cooked brown rice or quinoa, whatever veggies I want, maybe a turkey sausage link cut up in there and a fried egg (egg "fried" in cooking spray). It's like a breakfast fried rice. Since I put a ton of veggies in it, it's SUPER filling and wonderful. Sometimes I'll put a little stir fry sauce in it, and sometimes I'll sprinkle breakfast sausage seasoning (you can get that from Penzey's spices).

  7. Hi Alissa, hopey ou're having a good weekend. I still covet the fish sandwich thins. So fun.

  8. ooo look I did it!!! haha I guess all I needed to do is sign out of my own account....duh!!!

    <3 Betta
