Friday, May 20, 2011

Finally Friday Again!

I got to sleep in a little later this morning because I took a couple of hours off of work to spend a little more time with my family before they left. It felt WONDERFUL!

I started the morning off with a cup of Seattle's Best Coffee that my sister brought. Thanks! A little creamer- 1 point.

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For breakfast, I had a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and a glass of 1% milk for 7 points.

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Still a little hungry and a little too tempted by the banana bread and flax seed bread that I served to everyone else- so as not to use the points- I ate a banana instead for 0 points.

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We spent the morning visiting and had lots of laughs- of course!Smile I was sad to see them leave! I really miss my family and wish we lived a lot closer! Maybe someday…

And then it was time to sign in to work. Not really in the mood for it- but ya gotta do what ya gotta do! Those bills have to be paid in some way! Winking smile

The good news was that my break was only 15 minutes after I signed in.

The good thing about waking up a lot later is that you’re not so hungry for snacks!

For lunch, I was craving a sandwich, so I had a sandwich thin with turkey, ham, lettuce and light miracle whip, along with carrots and yellow tomatoes for 5 points.

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I topped it off with FF/SF chocolate pudding for 2 points.

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I signed hubby and myself up for a 5K race in June! I’m pretty excited. It gives us something to train for. We also have one in July.

When work was FINALLY over, I ate an apple with PB for 3 points.

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I have felt sick to my stomach and nauseous off and on for the past couple of days. I don’t know what that’s about but I wish it would stop. Sometimes I even feel like I could throw up. I don’t know if it’s just from eating healthier and my body needs to get used to that again or what.

We are going to be eating a late supper tonight because hubby has a concert. We will be going out for pizza with the in-law's. I have 15 points left for the day- so I think I’m in a good position! Only 8 weekly points used so far this week. So MUCH better than usual. Smile

Have a fantastic weekend!!


  1. Yaaaay for signing up for 5ks!!

    Apples with PB is one of my favs :D

    Have a fantastic weekend as well :)

  2. Congrats on signing up for the 5K! That is a fun distance race to do.

  3. Congrats on the 5k! I'm sure you will do great. I think having something like that to work towards is so motivating. I knoe one of these days I'm going to sign up for a run. I'm nervous just thinking about it!

  4. Congrats on signing up for the races. Hope your stomach is feeling better. Have a great day.



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