Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Grocery Shopping

I have been back on track since getting home from the camping trip and lost the weight that I had gained while gone as of this morning. I’m hoping I keep it off for weigh in tomorrow! I want to lose at least 1 lb. so that I can get started on this 20 lb. challenge I have set for myself for this summer.

Yesterday, I went grocery shopping after work. I get groceries every week, just filling what we’re out of and so forth. But I found some great deals this time! Here’s what I got:

Groceries 002

So in this picture you can see:

  1. Toasted Wheat thins- these are for my hubby and I ended up getting them for $1.98.
  2. Jolly Time Healthy Pop Kettle Corn- This is my lifesaver. Whenever I’m feeling snacky- I eat this and a while bag is only a couple of points! I never eat this on the day before weigh in though because I can be assured I will gain weight the next day from the sodium.
  3. Whole wheat rotini
  4. Whole wheat bread- on sale for .99. I think this bread is usually 3.49 or so?
  5. Earth grains thin buns- These make lunches less points- always a great thing!
  6. SUnflower butter- I have yet to try this but it was on sale for just over $2. Anyone had this?

Groceries 003

In this picture you can see:

  1. Nutri-Grain whole grain waffles- 1 point a piece. We eat those with sugar free syrup- delicious and low in points!
  2. Pizza crust mix- maybe not the healthiest, but convenient.
  3. 2 boxes of Kashi cereal. I got these for $1.99 a box! Amazing. I love this cereal!
  4. 1 container of Greek Yogurt- The price is a bit much for me, but I treat myself to one a week.
  5. YoLite Strawberry yogurt- Hubby and I eat 1/2 cup of this in our lunches quite often with fresh fruit mixed in.
  6. Ragu- Light alfredo sauce- convenience and delicious!
  7. Fat free refried beans for Mexican dinners
  8. A can of pineapple for pizzas!
  9. Swiss Cheese- I love the flavor of it and it makes sandwiches so much more delicious.
  10. Whole wheat tortillas
  11. 2 luna bars at .50 a piece!

Groceries 004

  1. 1% milk
  2. Bananas
  3. Pink lady Apples
  4. an Onion
  5. Oranges
  6. Baby carrots
  7. Strawberries
  8. Ore-Ida sweet potato fries- Again, maybe not the healthiest but these are delicious! Hubby and I eat 1/2 of a serving size with a meal for 2 points.
  9. Tofu- This is new to me, I’ve never had it before. It was on sale for $1.99 and I’ve been wanting to try it. I found a recipe that looks pretty good so I’m going to give it a try this week!

Just thought I’d share my groceries for the week. By no means is this all that I’m eating this week, just filling up the cupboards!


  1. Looks like some good eats, along with some great deals!!

    Fingers crossed for your WI!!

  2. What a well stocked pantry! The pics look yummy ;) .

    Good luck for your WI tomorrow :)

  3. I usually buy the 100 calorie packs of popcorn, is this popcorn good? the 1 point on WW jolly time tastes kind of stale to me, but Kettle corn flavor??? hum ... I will check it out!!

  4. Another interesting seeing the American have such boring things compared to you over there.

  5. I love seeing what people buy at the grocery store! You are my kind of grocery shopper. I love all your picks :)



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