Friday, April 16, 2010

Check In

Yesterday was another good day. I need to keep this going!

I’ve started going for walks on my breaks at work. It’s nice get to be outside in the nice weather. Plus, on my long days, I get 20 minutes of exercise with no problem whatsoever. I enjoy it and it helps me refocus and calm down. Yesterday was so windy I thought I was going to blow away!

I’m happy it’s FINALLY FRIDAY! Today I have a short day at work and then on to school. After today, I will have 2 weeks left of classes and then 1 week of finals!! I’m way excited about almost being done!

I’ve lost my puffiness again and the scale is going down. I feel so much better! Having the right attitude makes all of the difference.

Have a great day and keep a positive attitude!!


  1. Positive attitude definitely helps! Have a great weekend ;)

  2. Yes keep the positiveness going on! It makes a lot of difference! Have a great day you too :D

  3. YAY for the scale going down :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. i'm so jealous of your walk breaks at work!! maybe i could suggest that at our next meeting! ;)

    great job on staying OP and keeping positive!!

  5. I'm following all your movements on Twitter....xx

  6. Congrats! Keep up the great work!

    Have a good weekend!

  7. I hope you had a great Saturday. It sounds like you are totally in a positive frame of mind! I love that!

  8. hang in there and keep going, a positive attitude helps. have a good week this week!

  9. Well done for keeping the momentum going!

  10. you are right on with "having the right attitude"! Keep it up.



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