
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful Healthy Blogger 5k 2011: What You Need to Know


It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is Thanksgiving already! This month has just flown by.

We have 50 people signed up to participate in the Thankful Healthy Blogger 5k!! That was my goal!! And you can sign up even as late as tomorrow night. You just have to complete the 5k by 11:59 PM on Thanksgiving Day. But now, everyone that signed up needs to participate!

I just wanted to remind you all of what you need to do:

1) Run or walk (or elliptical, whatever you wish!) a 5k on Thanksgiving Day. If you have an organized 5k race planned, that’s fine- you can double dip by participating in this one too.

2)  Send me a photo showing that you participated. If you don’t want to show your face, take a picture of your running shoes or something- use your creativity. And if you have family members/friends participating with you—see number 3. Also, send me your time. This is not a race in the traditional sense, it’s just about getting out there and getting active, but it would be fun to show times at the end, too. We’re all winners for participating and everyone has an equal chance at winning the Giveaway. Wouldn’t it be awesome to break your personal PR? Feel free to email me any accomplishments, such as the aforementioned! Tell me about your experience if you want to. Email this to If you have a blog, please include the link so I can link to you on the post. Please send me this information by 6 PM CST on Saturday November 27th to qualify! Giveaway will end at that time.

3) The more people you get to participate with you, the more entries you will get. You will get one Giveaway entry per person that participates with you. You must send me a picture showing you and your participants. Get the family involved!

4) Have fun!!

You can view 2010’s Thankful healthy Blogger 5k Post here.


  1. I am looking forward to tomorrow morning and doing this 5k. :) Thanks for motivating me. I even did a blog post mentioning this today.

  2. I'll be up bright and early for my turkey run! Thx!

  3. Will be sending my results tomorrow. Happy Turkey day Run :)

  4. Looking forward to walking after lunch!!
