
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011

I hope that you have all had a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with your family! I decided to do a regular post today since it is a week day, after all!

I started the morning off bright and early with a pumpkin spice coffee for 1 point.

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For breakfast, I ate 1/2 cup oatmeal with a sliced banana for 2 points.

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We spent some time getting things prepared for Thanksgiving dinner:

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And just enjoyed time being together!

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After everything was ready to go, Hubby, myself, my sister and brother in law headed out for the Thankful Healthy Blogger 5k 2011!

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My sister and brother in law finished way before hubby and I did. We ran it in 39:15, which is a great time for me! Last year I ran this in 44:36, so that’s quite the improvement! I burned 683 calories. It was a great run that my brother in law mapped out. It was fun to run in a different area for once. It went pretty quickly! I was pretty exhausted when I was done. I am still not feeling 100%, so I was really surprised at how well I did. I have a cough and cold still. Look at that red face!

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I LOVED getting all of your photos and emails this morning! So motivating for me to see them!! I will be posting the results later on this weekend!

When we got home, I drank a Crystal Light Energy for 0 points.

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And then it was time to finishing preparing Thanksgiving dinner. My sister made the most delicious and tender turkey. SO good!
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All of the ladies:

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Mom and Dad:

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We had lots of delicious foods! Most of it was pretty healthy too, which helps out a lot!

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Here is my plate:

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I ate little bits of my favorite foods: turkey, stuffing, oriental salad, green bean/brussel sprout casserole with turkey bacon, sweet potatoes, roasted squash and fresh corn for 15 points.

With all of the delicious desserts we had a available, the kids still wanted ice cream!

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I had a slice of pecan pie. I LOVE my Mom’s pecan pie—I get it once a year! 14 points. So worth it, once a year.

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And then we relaxed a bit:

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By the fire:

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And then my sister and I (and baby Cole!) headed out for a 1.55 mile walk. I burned another 242 calories.

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It felt great to get more fresh air!

And I did get one picture of my brother, he’s always hiding from the camera!

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I also snacked on a couple of fat free wheat thins with the cheese ball for 3 points.

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mmmm soooo good!

It’s been a very fun Thanksgiving, and it’s not over yet!

So far I have used 33 points, that’s only 2 weekly points! I had very small amounts of what I ate, the squash being the exception and minimal olive oil was used to cook it—so perfect! I will still be eating a light supper, probably a sandwich with leftover turkey. I feel like I’m doing really well and listening to my hunger signals this year, but also enjoyed everything! Not to mention, I got a lot of exercise in this year! Every year is a little better than the last.

I asked my niece what her favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner was and she got a big smile on her face and said, “being with grandma!” Isn’t that what it’s all about? The wisdom of kids. Smile

Hope your Thanksgiving went just as well!


  1. you have such an adorable family!!

    happy thanksgiving :)

  2. Looks like the perfect Thanksgiving Alissa. LOVE the family shots!!! Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Sounds like a great time! I see such a family resemblance with you and your sister :D

  4. Looks like you had a wonderful day. My 5k is this morning.... I am soooooo nervous. I work out, do the treadmill all the time, but I have never done a 5k, OMG what have I gotten myself i to!!!

  5. What a great Thanksgiving day! That's really what it is all about.
