
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Weigh in Day

This week, my weight basically stayed the same. Well, I lost .1, but that’s literally nothing at all. So I guess I can be happy that I haven’t gained with all of this craziness.

I try to make good choices when I am eating meals. I’ve eaten a lot of salads. But not everything I’ve eaten has been on plan. There has been a little stress eating, a little boredom eating when sitting at the hospital and just waiting. We have literally not eaten a lunch or supper at home for a week. We did get a few breakfasts at home though. Today has been the first day for me to eat lunch at home in a week.

But it’s just been a little crazy so I guess losing weight isn’t my top priority right now. Staying healthy and eating the right foods is. I’m still very conscious of that, although not perfect. Chocolate and I have become a little too friendly! But overall, I think I’m doing ok right now eating wise.

Healthy eating seems so trivial yet so important right now. Things like this will really scare you.

Things are not improving. We are worried. He is still on the ventilator and his BP and HR have been all over the place. Sad smile We wish we could be up there all the time but we have jobs and we need the money—so we do what we can to get off work early and make the 2 hour drive to the hospital. Friends and family have been so supportive, so we know Hubby’s Mom usually has someone there with her…but know she needs to rest, too.

One of you asked what happened, and I might explain at a later date but don’t really want to be posting everything all over the internet, if you know what I mean!

But thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.


  1. I am very sorry for all the stress and yor hardship right now. I will pray for your FIL and family! pleae keep us updated!

  2. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  3. Continuing to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!

  4. So sorry to hear of this. I will be praying for all of you. How scary!!!

  5. Continuing to think of your family.
